A new residential project accommodating tens of thousands of people is planning to build a vibrant, smart-living enabled community who harnesses the latest IoT and technology standards.
SparkLink was commissioned to lead the smart city strategy development. The comprehensive smart living consultancy scope includes: home automation, health management, club house, shopping mall, car park, indoor and outdoor area, property management, access control, connectivity, robotics, AI, chatbots, conservation and energy saving, etc.
With strong connection in the IoT and Smart City communities, project team formulated the smart living development roadmap for the property development project, put together strategic and quick-win smart living initiatives, and led the vendor selection effort of various initiatives.
Smart living roadmap and various smart initiatives were approved by the board, solid plans are proposed for smart living initiatives, and the right vendors were identified for respective projects.
Property Development
Smart City, IoT, Advisory
Smart Living Strategy and Roadmap, IoT Vendor Selection, Smart Living Initiatives formulation and Low Hanging Fruit Identification.