Smart Living and Home Automation

Our client sees the common home automation solutions mainly provide gadgets with isolated experience. Therefore in the upcoming property development, they are aiming at providing a coherent smart home experience that is caring and sensitive to the needs of tenants.

The project team has worked with the client to create a household healthcare command centre, with a smart mirror in the bathroom being one of the user interface. The solution provides personalised health management to each tenants on day 1, along with home automation features. The home automation platform supports multiple brands of smart devices, sensors, appliances and health devices. The platform works seamlessly with specific facilities in the property project, e.g. club house, property management, access permissions, and more.

This large scale, integrated platform provides tenants a connected smart home and smart health experience, and it is by design compatible with future smart devices integration, meaning that the solution is future proof.

  • Client:

    Property Developer

  • Category

    Smart Living, Smart Home, Smart Health, IoT, A.I., Software Implementation,

  • Achievements:

    An integrated platform with both smart health and home automation enabled for all tenants